SONG REVIEW: Conrad Ashton - "Those Were The Days"
By Wanda Whitley
Conrad Ashton
Reminiscing and regret, yearning and letting go, moving forward yet looking backwards…this pure and catchy song by Conrad Ashton reflects loving (and having lost) that one person who no matter what remains an influence in everything. These lyrics capture the hold of a true love that got away, a past love that was so strong that still infiltrates the present. A love that still lives in dreams. You can’t help but feel a little sad listening to this tale of a love that once was. At some point we all want to go back in time, to relive the best times of our lives. This song demonstrates that everything we go through in life does indeed become a part of us – especially when we find love.
Heartfelt and sincere, Conrad sings from his core – you can feel how much he cherishes the memories of this past relationship. Love and hurt co-mingles together, and what is encouraging is his acceptance of it all – he is moving forward and realizing that what he shared with this love will always be with him, and because of this experience, even with his loss, he is never truly alone because his memories are always there.
Cool guitar rhythm (who would’ve thought you could jam along with a song about loss)? Conrad has brilliantly put together a song that we can all relate to – having the best of times with a true love, and then dealing with the aftermath when those times come to an end.
Check out Conrad’s website for more information.